Totalling or Totaling: Which Spelling to Use?

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Written By Johan Smith

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The English language can sometimes be tricky, with many words and phrases having alternative spellings depending on where you’re from or the context in which you’re writing. One such example is the debate between totalling or totaling. Which one is correct? And how do you decide when to use each version?

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between totalling and totaling, dive into their meanings, and look at the rules governing their use in different varieties of English. We will also provide scenario-based examples to clarify which spelling fits best in various contexts.

Totalling vs Totaling: The Key Difference

The primary difference between totalling and totaling comes down to the regional spelling conventions. While both words have the same meaning, they are used differently depending on whether you’re following British English or American English rules.

  • Totalling is the preferred spelling in British English.
  • Totaling is the preferred spelling in American English.

In the UK, the word “totalling” is used in most formal and informal writing, whereas in the US, “totaling” is the standard choice.

How Do You Spell Totaling?

You may have found yourself asking, “How do you spell totaling?” The answer is simple: it depends on where you’re writing. If you’re in the US, the correct form is totaling. In the UK, you’d use totalling.

But let’s not stop there—let’s examine more examples to solidify your understanding.

Totalling or Totaling Meaning?

Both totalling and totaling are derived from the verb total, which means to sum up or calculate the overall amount of something. The two spellings refer to the same action—adding up or calculating the total of a number of items or figures.

For instance:

  • Totalling the invoices took longer than expected. (British English)
  • Totaling the invoices took longer than expected. (American English)

In both examples, the sentence refers to adding up or summing the invoices to reach a total number.

The Correct Spelling of Totalling or Totaling

So, how do you know which spelling to use? The key is to remember the distinction between British English and American English.

  • Totalling is the correct spelling in British English.
  • Totaling is the correct spelling in American English.

While the meaning doesn’t change, the spelling reflects the regional variations in how words are formed. This distinction is not limited to totalling or totaling; it’s a common pattern that can be found in many other words, like colour (British) vs. color (American), or theatre (British) vs. theater (American).

Example Scenario: Email to a British Client

Here’s an example of how totalling would be used in a professional email to a client in the UK.

Subject: Monthly Expense Totals

Dear Mr. Thompson,

Best wishes. I have completed totalling the expenses for the month, and I can confirm that the total sum comes to £1,500. I will send you the detailed breakdown shortly.

Please let me know if you require further information or clarification on the totalling process.

Best regards,
Sarah Davies

In this example, the use of totalling aligns with British spelling conventions, which prefer double “l” in words like travelling, modelling, and, of course, totalling.

Now, let’s consider the same situation, but for an American audience. Here’s how totaling would be used in a similar email to a client in the US.

Subject: Monthly Expense Totals

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I have completed totaling the expenses for the month, and I can confirm that the total sum comes to $1,500. I will send you the detailed breakdown shortly.

Please let me know if you require further information or clarification on the totaling process.

Best regards,
Sarah Davies

As you can see, totaling is the correct choice in American English. The only difference here is the spelling, but both emails convey the same message and meaning.

Regional English Differences: British vs American English

The debate between totalling or totaling is part of the larger conversation about British vs American English. Over time, different regions have developed their own rules for spelling and grammar, leading to differences in how words are written.

In general, British English tends to retain older spelling conventions, while American English, shaped by lexicographer Noah Webster, favors simplified spellings.

Examples of Other British vs American Spelling Differences:

  • Realise (UK) vs Realize (US)
  • Analyse (UK) vs Analyze (US)
  • Theatre (UK) vs Theater (US)

Understanding these regional spelling differences can help you ensure that your writing aligns with the conventions of your target audience.

The Influence of Noah Webster

One of the driving forces behind the Americanization of English spelling was Noah Webster, an American lexicographer. In the early 19th century, Webster sought to simplify and standardize American English spelling. He felt that simplifying words would make them easier to learn and more consistent.

For example, Webster advocated for dropping the extra “l” in words like travelling (to become traveling) and totalling (to become totaling). These changes helped shape the modern American English spelling conventions we follow today.

Synonyms of Totalling and Totaling

While totalling and totaling are the most common terms used to describe summing up numbers, there are several synonyms that can be used in place of these words, depending on the context. Some common alternatives include:

For example:

  • “I’m summing up the expenses for the quarter.”
  • “We need to add up the receipts from the last event.”

These synonyms can be useful when you want to vary your language or avoid repetition.

In accounting, whether you’re working in British or American English, you’ll often need to reference the act of totalling or totaling figures. For instance, you may be tasked with calculating the final totals of various financial transactions.

  • “After totalling all the income, we can prepare the financial statement.” (UK)
  • “After totaling all the income, we can prepare the financial statement.” (US)

In both cases, totalling or totaling refers to the act of calculating or summing up numbers to get a final total.

Usage in British vs American English

When using totalling or totaling in your writing, it’s important to be mindful of whether you’re following British or American spelling conventions.

British Usage: Totalling in Accounting and Finance

In the UK, professionals in accounting, finance, and business will often use totalling to refer to the process of adding numbers together to reach a sum. For instance:

  • “The finance department is currently totalling the quarterly expenses for the report.”
  • “The accountant is totalling the receipts from the past month.”

American Usage: Totaling in Everyday Speech

In the United States, totaling is the preferred spelling. Whether you’re calculating the total cost of your groceries or adding up the expenses for a business trip, totaling is the standard term.

  • “I’m totaling the sales numbers for this quarter.”
  • “The totaling of all costs will be completed by tomorrow.”

Accounting and Calculating Totals

Whether you’re working in a personal budget, calculating expenses for a business, or balancing a company’s books, the process of totalling or totaling involves adding together individual amounts to calculate the overall total.

Let’s say you’re an accountant preparing a quarterly report. Here’s how totalling or totaling would fit in:

Subject: Quarterly Financial Summary

Dear Mr. Smith,

I’ve finished totalling the expenses for the quarter, and the final amount comes to £25,000. I will send the full report along with all supporting documents shortly for your review.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the totalling process.

Best regards,
Emily Harris

In this example, totalling is used because the communication is based in the UK. An American accountant would use totaling instead.

Spelling Conventions in English

The spelling conventions of totalling or totaling follow the broader trend in English spelling differences. In British English, double “l” is often used, whereas American English tends to drop one “l” to simplify the spelling. These distinctions are part of the long-standing differences between the two versions of English.

British vs American Spelling Differences

The difference between totalling and totaling is just one of many spelling differences between British and American English. Other notable examples include:

  • Favourite (UK) vs. Favorite (US)
  • Centre (UK) vs. Center (US)
  • Defence (UK) vs. Defense (US)

These differences stem from historical influences, including Noah Webster’s efforts to simplify American spelling.

To further clarify the difference between totalling and totaling, let’s look at some real-world scenarios where you might use these terms.

Subject: Monthly Expense Totals

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to let you know that I’ve finished totalling the expenses for this month. The total number of receipts came to £4,500, which is higher than expected.

I’ve attached the spreadsheet for you to review. If you need any further information or clarification on the totalling process, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

In this example, totalling is used because the email is written by someone in the UK, following British spelling conventions.

Subject: Totaling Monthly Expenses

I’ve just finished totaling up all the expenses for this quarter. The total amount comes to $5,200. I’ll send over the detailed breakdown shortly for your approval.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the totaling process.


Here, totaling is used because this email is written by someone in the US, where the American spelling is the standard.

Totalling vs Totaling Grammar

The grammar around totalling and totaling remains the same regardless of which spelling you use. The main difference is regional, not grammatical. Whether you use totalling or totaling, the word is typically used as a present participle or gerund to describe the action of adding up or summing items.

Examples of grammar usage:

  • “We are totalling the invoices now.” (British)
  • “We are totaling the invoices now.” (American)

Totalling or Totaling Examples in Sentences

Here are a few more example sentences showing totalling or totaling in action:

  1. Totalling or Totaling in an Email to a Boss:
    • “I’m still in the process of totalling all the data for the report.” (UK)
    • “I’m still in the process of totaling all the data for the report.” (US)
  2. Totalling or Totaling in an Accounting Report:
    • “After totalling all the figures, we can submit the final balance sheet.” (UK)
    • “After totaling all the figures, we can submit the final balance sheet.” (US)
  3. Totalling or Totaling in a Sales Invoice:
    • “The amount due is totalling £1,200 after discounts.” (UK)
    • “The amount due is totaling $1,200 after discounts.” (US)

In these cases, the meaning of totalling or totaling remains the same: the process of adding up numbers to reach a sum.

Common Phrases Involving Totalling or Totaling

  1. Totalling to in a Sentence:
    • “The total cost totals to £5,000 after all deductions.”
    • “The final price totals to $4,500 after applying the discount.”
  2. Total Meaning:
    • Total refers to the complete amount or sum after everything has been added up. This can be used in various contexts, such as finances, scores, or inventory counts.
  3. Amounting to:
    • “The expenses are amounting to £3,000 for the month.”
    • “The costs are amounting to $2,500 this quarter.”
  4. Total Number:
    • “The total number of items sold was 150 units.”
    • “The total number of attendees was 250 people.”

Key Take a ways:

  • Use totalling in British English and totaling in American English.
  • Both terms mean to sum up or add together numbers to calculate a total.
  • Consider your audience’s location when choosing the correct spelling.

20 Points to Remember about Totalling vs Totaling:

  1. Totalling is British English; totaling is American English.
  2. Both terms have the same meaning: adding up to get a total.
  3. Use totalling for invoices and sums in the UK.
  4. Use totaling for invoices and sums in the US.
  5. Both words can be used in accounting, business, or everyday calculations.
  6. “Totalling” and “totaling” are present participles of the verb “to total.”
  7. Use totalling or totaling to describe adding up numbers.
  8. The word is often used in financial contexts.
  9. The totalling meaning in accounting refers to the summing of numbers.
  10. The phrase “totalling to in a sentence” is used when referring to the final amount.
  11. Totaling is the spelling preferred in American financial reports.
  12. Totalling is the spelling used in British reports and business correspondence.
  13. In both American and British contexts, the verb is used in the same grammatical way.
  14. Common alternatives include “summing up” or “adding together.”
  15. The word total can also mean the final amount or complete sum.
  16. Totalling or totaling can be used in everyday speech.
  17. Totaling vs totaling is not a matter of grammar but of regional preference.
  18. Both forms are interchangeable in most contexts based on the regional spelling choice.
  19. Use a dictionary or style guide if you’re unsure which form to use.
  20. Totalling spelling in the UK is an example of a British variant, just like “colour” instead of “color.”

Conclusion: Totalling or Totaling?

In conclusion, totalling or totaling both refer to the same action of adding numbers or figures together. However, totalling is the correct spelling in British English, while totaling is used in American English. The choice between the two spellings depends on your regional preference, and both forms are grammatically correct.

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